Five Star Review for Future Past Present

The following is an official review of Walter Holder’s book “Future Past Present” by Michael Valentine  on 17 Jan 2023:

Future Past Present is a mystery and paranormal fictional novel written by Walter Holder. The book has fifty-two chapters that follow Zoe Abrams, a medical student who encounters a strange patient that affects her life drastically.

The book follows Zoe as she begins her rotations at Hampton Oaks, a care home for old people. She meets John Asterman, a strange patient with a warm otherworldly presence. He appears docile and seemingly unable to speak, yet Zoe forms a rather strong bond with him. Also present at Hampton Oaks is Dr. Jack Adams, who has a dark past and starts working at Hampton Oaks out of desperation. He has a hatred for people in helpless medical conditions, believing they should just die off. Despite having Dr. Jack as her superior, Zoe is determined to help Mr. Asterman. However, when she cannot find any of his medical records, she enlists the help of her friends to find out more about her enigmatic patient. What mysteries will they uncover? How will it affect them all? Find out in this book.

There is a lot to love about this book. If I were to describe the reading experience of this novel in three words, it would be “the plot thickens.” The book was filled with a lot of suspense and mystery. It had me theorizing what would happen at every plot point, only to shift my expectations in the next. It had me second-guessing the roles of some characters like Rachael and Dr. Morris.

The book also uses a lot of exciting concepts like UFOs, time travel, and spirituality while managing to be very character oriented. I loved the dynamic between Zoe and her friends. The author did well to highlight their experiences and insecurities, thus creating a basis for their actions. This attention to character detail is also seen in antagonists like Dr. Jack and Agent Pratt. Even minor characters like Marcus and Bagnold have developed storylines, and their relevance to the overarching plot is evident. I also appreciated the language used in the book. It was very easy to follow. Overall, the book’s use of mystery and suspense made it difficult to put down.

I have no negative issues with the book. I did not find any errors in the book as it was professionally edited. Therefore, I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars. I found the book intriguing and suspense-filled. I loved the characters and their dynamics with each other. I was satisfied with the book and, as a result, did not rate it any lower. I recommend this book to lovers of mystery and paranormal fiction books.

Picture of Walter Holder

Walter Holder

Walter D. Holder Jr., M.D., FACS is a semi-retired academic surgical oncologist with decades of patient care experience, medical and surgical teaching, and clinical and basic science research. He loves all things science and has been committed to scientific truth and integrity throughout his life.